“How we make the ordinary extraordinary” Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Salford University
Group Project- Performance 2

Week 1- 17th Feb Meeting and Discussion
Main concept: Working with theatre performance students to design an environment layout appropriate to their needs. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Salford University at the New Adelphi Ground Floor.
Looking at the presentation provided by the Theatre students. Three groups each performing with their chosen theme and style. Each group performs 7 to 8 minutes.
So What’s Next… Taking Notes on each groups ideas and requirements
Group 1 -
Tribal Patterns
Salford University Logo colour theme
Curtain Backdrop
Partitions – Tribal Tapestries
Performance Area – Cafeteria
Group 2 –
Balloons, Feature
Play of Lighting
Music influences
Celebrity (Costumes – masks)
Fashion Runway Style
Performance Area – First floor to down staircase and space next to staircase
Group 3 –
Past Memories of Salford University
Week 2 - 23rd Feb How to get started (Planning and Visualizing)
Decision making - This meeting we decided to come up with ideas and working with the required requirements which was given by the performers and to make it all work and be realistic with the best possibilities and also keep it professional.
Ideas –
Identify the performers space on the ground floor for each group.
Using the Salford university logo (the lion mark) to symbolise the growth of the university by using a cub growing into a lion. This was planned to be projected on the walls as the performance is taking place.
Play with Black and White projection fabric to create partitions between each performance.
Costume designs to match with the theme and performances.
Using Glow paint and fibre optics to create costumes, a unique experience to the audience as well as to the performers.
Gobo Stencil projection, GIFs projection, Colour explosion projection.
Aztec print on banners and costumes
Create visuals by gathering pictures of the performance space.
Week 3 - 02nd Feb - Started on creating the presentation on the 28th Feb,
Continued on our individual tasks at our own independent time. On the 2nd of Feb we created the PowerPoint
Title and Creator Names (group members)

Design Brief – this brief was designed by taking ideas and requirements from the performers yet changed and amended to fit with the props, performers and also keeping in mind of costs.

Plan of New Adelphi ground floor, colour coded with where the performances will take place for each group

Sketches to show growth of lion symbolizes how Salford university has grown through the past years

This slide shows specific equipment’s and materials that are required for this design concept

Starting off with the group 1 – Visuals I created to show performers how and where the props can be displayed and the material requirements, also where fabric can be purchased

This slide shows images of costume idea we gathered for group one which was inspired by Givenchy and would incorporate the Salford logo colour theme such as black, white and red. Also as the performers wanted to have an Aztec print, feature blend style

Group 2 costume design idea was to have a plain dress or playsuit worn in white and have fibre optic stripes attached to the outfit to create a luminous effect. This design idea was inspired by Natalin

This shows visuals of group 2 performance space and the materials required. In the visuals I created below shows some parts of the performance space and how it would look with the outfits and performers movements by GIFs I created from Photoshop

This is more of the visuals of the group 2 and it shows how the growth of lion will be projected onto black projection fabric. GIFS I made to show how it will look in real.

By researching the costumes, we offered to the group 2 was quiet expensive while considering the costs however we managed to find alternatives that can be used to recreate these styles with a smaller budget

Moving on to group 3! They would have projection of famous past pictures of Salford’s timeline projected onto the big white wall while having speakers to play background music and have a voice over explaining what the pictures mean by each year. Also have an interacting side panel which they will be turning cubes of pictures presenting the past famous graduates and their names this interaction will be achieved by the performers turning the cubes as they give an entrance by walking down the stairs to the performance space

This slide shows a visual of how it would look when the pictures are projected on the wall.

This slide shows a detailed visual of the interactive partition.

For group 3 we decided to keep the Aztec print theme carried on through the performance but also combine a futuristic style to symbolise the modern and growing trend. This was inspired by Madish Aurora