Programme Planning for NMP
Starting with Advanced Research Strategy project
With intense research into my chosen topic 'New working environment to improve Health, well being and productivity at workplace' for the Advanced Research Strategy Project
In this module I further developed research methodologies. Building upon the notion that research can be used to gather and organised the insights that are at the heart of an effective design brief, thus providing an underlying rationale for the creative process. The work produced during this module will provide an evidence base with which to inform and evaluate design directions within the Negotiated Major Project. A range of appropriately selected traditional, digital and ethnographic research methods will be employed.
As this module will provide the basis for the Negotiated Major Project module which commences in Trimester 2.
After research into new ways of working not just improve health, well being and productivity but also to co-work and give opportunities to start up businesses, freelancers and even newly graduates. I feel more interested and passionate to work on this project as I think its an issue to be addressed and improved. People spend alot of time working and by coming up with ideas to improve work space environment will lead businesses to more success and benefit the employers and workers.
Week 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Module launch and planning
In this week it was the module launch - Design Concept
For this project we have to incorporate all our skills and experiences on this course , negotiation and implementation of a self-directed programme of design investigation, research and development leading to the presentation of a major design project.
My project aim is to develop the idea of co-working space, encourage teamwork, collaboration, creativity also to ensure health and well being for employees, building users and a wider community focusing to break office workers boring work days by providing great opportunities to a productive workspace and implementing quality aspects to a workspace such as new breakout spaces,incorporating biophilic design and overall fun working environment.

Time Management
First to start off a project I always plan time by making a gantt chart or a weekly schedule on a notebook diary. This has helped me with planning and keeping in track. For this project I started with a gantt chart and a note book to take feedback notes and keep on a to do list.

Finding Location - Research
I was keen on finding a old building with an atrium design as I like the look of having an open space yet connecting the floors.
As I was on the hunt for a building, I got the Crown Theater as a suggestion, I then had a look and researched about the building and was a perfect location in the center of Eccles Manchester.

Hunting for plan and building data
I couldn't find any past plans or much data about the building however I found out that the theater is going to be demolished soon and there is a campaign to save the theater, I then found a few people who are in charge of the site and decided to email one of them.

Thank fully I was lucky enough to get the plans!
Working on building and site plan
Understanding the plan was quiet confusing but working with my tutor I refined and scaled the plan - as I only got a PDF file of the plan.

To work with the plan my next step is to recognize the available space to accommodate and make use of the space in the right way. I then decided to make an accommodation schedule
Reception Area and waiting area
Break out space/ kitchen
Private workstations
Working Hubs
2 people workstation
4-10 people collaborating workspace
10-30 Meeting rooms / Conference room
Event space
Feature Staircase
Starting Presentation for Concept Design Crit
Research on existing co- working spaces around Manchester, looking for inspiration and started sketching a few ideas, creating mood board and planned my next presentation idea.
Week 5 / 6 / 7
Getting feedback and developing the ideas, adjusting the plans

Developing sketching and ideas

Started the planning and gathering ideas for the next presentation, I decided to make a Marquette to make me visualize how I want my feature staircase to look like.

Feature staircase Marquette - Read More here...
Presentation for Design Development Crit
Getting elevations, finalizing plan, Sketching ideas, material and visual moodboards.
Week 7/ Easter Break / 8 / 9
After the presentation feedback, there are alot of changes and plans, developing my ideas and progressing through the design project.
Its seems a lot of work and very stressing however the key is to be on track, manage time well and keep making changes and working forward as there is not much time left!
Rearranging the plan and trying to figure out the height for elevations as it has a theatrical atrium the height levels were different, was quiet difficult however with the help of my tutor we worked out the elevation height and came up with new ideas.
Developing 3D sketch up model
As changing the plans I also had to keep changing my Sketch up model as they need to visualize truly and be arranged well. Here are some visuals:

Presentation for Technical Design Crit
Week 10/ 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
After the technical design crit, I realized I have some changes to make to improve. This last few weeks seems so stressful as there is alot to get done with another project submission on the way. from the presentation feedback to now I have a lot of ideas and improvement to develop my project. also keeping in mind I need to get planning for the final degree show and make a Marquette.
Planning for Degree show - Blog Link