UK Construction Week
We visited the Uk Building Convention Exhibition in Birmingham from my University. This trip was educative and beneficial as it helped me understand the interior market outside and the wide design opportunities that are available to work with.
It was great to see companies promoting products and brining forward ideas of eco-friendly designs.

Some of the business promoters stood out from the rest as they had unique ideas and displays of their products. Such as:
J&J Teixeira
This company provides custom made carpentry solutions for all design sectors.
they work on all sorts of interior such as kitchen, furniture, door, wardrobes, panels and ingenious wood flooring.
I thought the contrast of two different materials are a great way of brining out new design ideas.
Solide Signature | Real Metal Coating
Its an innovative product. This interesting innovation is the "real metal" finish. That is the possibility to give any solide surface, a real metal coating.
Interesting part is that the products are actually made of wood and feels very light however the look of it seems as they are real heavy metal items. The surfaces which have been finished with “real metal” can be satinazed, pickled and polished like all metal surfaces.
From the finishes of objects, furniture, logos including those for exteriors and for working indoor and outdoor elements.
AAB is a leading Dutch brick producer. They give flexibility of blending brick types, I think this is a great way to let designers create a unique and bespoke building designs.

Architectural Surface Design
This company specifies in wrapping walls, furnitures, interior and exterior products with self adhesive film which imitates a material. it is a great alternative solution for any design.
their display consists of a large wall showing all the different types of surface textures and designs they offer. they had a variety of surface finished such as stone, grained wood, marble, metallic and even glitter textured finish. It was a unique concept with a huge scale of future success as they seem very realistic and end results are amazing.